Maybe you've seen kids being held in a squatting position (or been held up yourself) in between parked cars relieving themselves? And probably thought to yourself, how gross! I was inclined to be in that gross boat myself but after two kids and hundreds of dirty diapers not created, I am happy to tell anyone who seems interested about taking my kids to potty at an early age.
This page will need a lot more story to it, but the concept boils down to paying attention to your childs' cues and helping them learn, from birth if you choose, that they have an option about where they relieve themselves.
My eight month old has been going since the first week of her life and regularly wakes me up at night to tell me she has to use the potty. Sometimes she even tells us if she's got to do the number two, and isn't that fun to have happen! Well, a lot more fun than cleaning a diaper up!
True, a lot of people think we are "potty training" them early, but the way we look at it is, we are striving for a greater communication with them, and as a result we can allow them the dignity of not sitting in their soiled clothes. Parent's are children's main source of information, they learn visually so much from us in regards to social behavior. Imagine how confusing it is to see the family going into a special room to sit on a special chair to "Psssssss." (That's the sound we use to cue her that it's okay to go ahead and go)
As a result, my older daughter who is nearing three, stopped wearing diapers when she was about two, and often my eight month old can go nearly a whole day wearing the same one she put on in the morning!
Talk about reducing our carbon footprint!
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